

来源:微商货源平台 热度: 时间:2024-05-18 04:04:43
广东成人用品批发市场始建于1997年的广州站前横路"广东成人用品批发市场"是全国首家最大成人用品批发市场,面积3000平方米,专为标准商业展销设计,市场内设施完善,功能齐全,配套有中央空调系统,消防系统,通讯系统,音箱系统和停车场。可提供仓储、商务中心、代办国内外货物托运,代理车船票订购,银行储蓄、24小时保安警卫等各项服务。,,, ,2008年汶川地震,广东成人用品市场的商户踊跃捐款,赈灾献爱心,,  "广东成人用品市场"的发展得到了国家工商局、省工商局、省人口计生委、省市区药监局等部门的大力支持,在社会和商界已享有较高知名度,在广大消费者中树立了良好信誉,连续十年被省工商行政管理局评为"守合同、重信用企业"、"光彩之星企业"。国家十部委授予"全国婚育新风进万家活动先进单位"。被国家有关部门和社会组织评为"全国百佳预防保健诚信单位"、 "亚洲最聚人气商贸城"、"中国性健康产业发展成就奖励单位"、"工商信用联盟企业"、"质量、服务、信誉AAA级市场"。是中国性学会、广东省性学会直属单位。同时吸引全国各地和港澳台地区多家新闻媒体的热烈报道和称赞。全国多家大型生产厂家,品牌代理商,经销商及部分下岗再就业人士入场经营,经营业户由原来的几十家发展到一百几十余家。市场主要经营:计划生育用品、生殖健康用品、各类保健品、包装食品、养颜类护肤品。市场在注重经营管理的同时,更注重有关公益事业,以"弘扬性科学、倡导性文明、普及性教育、促进性健康"为宗旨,与广东省计生委宣教中心合作举办了计划生育、性教育展览,起到了良好的社会教育作用。推动了广东及全国计生用品保健用品行业进一步发展。,  每年举办一届的首家"全国(广州)性文化节暨计生、性与生殖保健用品展销订货会",着力传播性文化的最新理念,营造良好的性文化环境,为百姓与企业提供一个信息共享的空间,为生殖健康产业企业搭建了一个性文化交流、性健康产品展示的平台,促进了性与生殖健康事业在我国大陆及港澳台地区的健康发展,其意义深远。是造福社会、造福人民的一件大好事。得到了媒体和社会各界的广泛好评。,,,广州站前路成人用品批发市场广州站前路成人用品批发市场广州站前路成人用品批发市场广州站前路成人用品批发市场广州站前路成人用品批发市场广州站前路成人用品批发市场广州站前路成人用品批发市场广州站前路成人用品批发市场广州站前路成人用品批发市场广州站前路成人用品批发市场广州站前路成人用品批发市场广州站前路成人用品批发市场广州站前路成人用品批发市场广州站前路成人用品批发市场广州站前路成人用品批发市场广州站前路成人用品批发市场广州站前路成人用品批发市场广州站前路成人用品批发市场 ,食品药品监督局莅临广东成人用品市场考察图片1食品药品监督局莅临广东成人用品市场考察图片2食品药品监督局莅临广东成人用品市场考察图片3食品药品监督局莅临广东成人用品市场考察图片4食品药品监督局莅临广东成人用品市场考察图片5,,  近年来,"广东成人用品市场"来自世界各地的客人越来越多,远自欧美、东南亚、日本、韩国、港澳台地区及国内31个省市及自治区的批发商与市场建立了长期合作关系。几年来此类行业在广东率先发展起来,成行成市。是全国乃至东南亚最大的成人用品批发基地。,,,A Brief Introduction of Guangdong Adult Supplies Market,  Established in 1997, an-d situated at Guangzhou station cross road, Guangdong adult supplies market is the first largest adult supplies wholesale market, with an area of 3000 square meters. It is designed for standard commercial display design, with perfect market facilities, the all-around function, as well as the central air conditioning system, fire protection system, communication system, speaker system an-d parking lot. It can provide warehousing, business center, consignment both at home an-d abroad, agency ship ticket order, the bank savings, as well as 24 hours security guard an-d so on., ,  "Guangdong Adult Supplies Market", greatly supported by the national industrial an-d commercial bureau, provincial industrial an-d commercial bureau, provincial population an-d family planning administration departments in China support, already has a high profile in both social an-d business an-d a good reputation in the vast number of consumers. It is granted as "guard contract, heavy credit enterprise", "glorious star enterprise" by the provincial administration for industry an-d commerce for ten years in a row ,and "national baby is a fresh air into the thousands of activities advanced unit" by National ten ministries as well as "the best preventive care integrity unit" "Asia’s most popular together business city", "China sexual health industry development achievement award unit", "commercial credit union enterprise", "quality, service, credit AAA grade market" by the relevant state departments an-d social organizations . It is directed by the China, the Guangdong province .At the same time, it attracts news media reports an-d warm praise all over the country an-d Hong Kong, Macao an-d Taiwan regions . The large-scale manufacturer, brand agents, dealers an-d some laid-off again obtains employment people management, business operation to one hundred.,  The market’s main business includes: family planning supplies, reproductive health supplies, an-d all kinds of health care products, food packaging an-d beautifying skin care cosmetic. While paying attention to management, the market pays more attention to the relevant public welfare undertakings at the same time, with the aim of promoting sex science, advocating sexual civilization, popularizing universality education, as well as promoting the sexual health. By cooperating with Guangdong Population Mission Center, It held a family planning, sexual education exhibition an-d had a good social education function, which also promoted the further development of family supplies health supplies in both the Guangdong an-d national.,  The annually held first "national (Guangzhou) sexual culture festival family, sex an-d reproductive health supplies fair order" focus on the transmission of the newest concepts of culture, an-d creating a good sexual culture environment for the people an-d enterprises to provide an information sharing space an-d to set up a character cultural exchange for reproductive health industry enterprises , sexual health product display platform, promoting  the healthy development of sex an-d reproductive health in China mainland an-d Hong Kong, Macao an-d Taiwan regions, with a far-reaching significance .It benefited both the society an-d our people ,getting the widespread high praise from the media an-d all walks of life.,  In recent years, more an-d more guests of Guangdong adult supplies market are from all over the world, some even from as far as Europe an-d America, southeast Asia, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Macao an-d Taiwan regions an-d the domestic 31 provinces an-d cities an-d the wholesalers from the autonomous regions has also established long-term cooperative relations with the market. In the past few years, industries like this have taken the lead to develop an-d gone into the city in Guangdong province .It is the largest adult supplies wholesale base of the country an-d in Southeast Asia., ,   关键字:广州成人用品 成人用品,所在地区:广东省 > 广州市        ,,



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