
莆田的公司级鞋哪家最好 鞋的礼仪第二期:平跟鞋的优雅(莆田公司级鞋是什么意思)

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We all know that flats look cute, and very feet friendly. Who said only heels can bring out the elegance in women? Want to know more about how to appear elegant and stylish with a pair of flat? Together, we’ll take a look!

平跟鞋的历史History of ballet flat


As obvious as the name itself, it actually did come from ballerinas. However as surprising as one might find, ballerinas actually originally danced in high-heel shoes! It was only in the 18th Century that ballerinas started to wear flat ones, and start to pair them with leggings and shorter skirts for the more familiar look we see today.


Guess who else is a ballet-flat fan? That’s right, it’s Audrey Hepburn. She wore them in all black in one of her earliest film in the 1957’s called Funny Face. She’s also a huge fan of flats in real life and was all about Capezios.

为什么选择平底鞋Wearing flats



For ladies, one of the biggest factor of why we choose to wear them is because they are comfortable. It would also make sense to take your mind off of your feet for a while and engage in other things for the time being.


It would help to rest your feet. To be in heels all the time is detrimental to your spinal cord, and not healthy to your back. Flats will help you to relax these parts, and will create a peace of mind for your health.

适合每日的日常生活 Ideal for daily errands.


For busy days, when you have a lot to do, dragging along with a pair of high heels would decrease the efficiency and drain some of our energy. This is when flats are a perfect option!


In addition, when you go somewhere quiet for example a library, or somewhere you need to pay attention such as a nursing center, you would be grateful to have a pair of these on. This way, you wouldn’t disturb other people and it will show your nice manners in respecting the environment.

亲和力 Personal Charm


From a visual stand point, having a pair of flats will make you look very approachable, non-distanced and not standoffish. They are also very ideal when you are with children.


If the occasion calls for a relaxed atmosphere, and simple going out, but not too much walking like hiking, then it is also recommended as it pairs well with simple but elegant clothing, just like ballet dresses themselves.

需要注意的几点:Things to pay attention to:


If you are wearing knee length dress, a simple pair of socks with your flats would be enough.


If you have an hourglass-shape body figure, try to wear a dress that ends above your knees with a pair of flats. It will emphasize the shape your figure, and make your upper body look shorter and legs look longer.


If you have a naturally petite figure, try to find a pair of skinny jeans that goes till your ankle. This way it will make you look taller and give you more presence.


If you have a fuller leg, try to pick out a pair of flat with lighter color so it draws attention to your feet more instead of your legs that you probably don’t want other people to see. For example, nude color would always make legs look longer.


If you have long legs, pair flats with a simple top and a pair of jeans or leggings would be perfect.


If you are wearing knee length dress, a simple pair of socks with your flats would be enough.


If you are tall, and don’t want to appear taller already, then needless to say, a pair of flats will naturally be your better choice.


Last but not least, skinny jeans and tights just works magic with flats. Next time you pick out your outfit, try it!


So, next time when you want to pick a pair of flats to fit your outfit of the day, we hope that we’ve provided some tips and guidance towards assisting you in this matter. If there are any interesting topics you would like to have us cover, just simply leave a message below. We’ll be happy to discover interesting topics together with you!


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1、通货。以潮鞋的档次来看,首先就是通货,这个是我们现在市场上最为低廉的代表,也是比较差的版本,一般都是小作坊生产,相对来说价格较便宜。根据现在通货鞋的流通来看,基本都是往东南亚非洲等地方,大家在实际选购的时候都要了解清楚,看好做工情况。 2、真标。真标鞋相对来说做工会好一些,不过也属于低廉代表,不过比通货鞋的质感会更好一些。真标鞋在制作上材料会比较节省,而且做工质感上也会比较粗糙,脚感也不会特别舒服,所以一般大家在选购的时候都要看清楚,尽量能够避免太蛇皮走线的鞋子。 3、公司级。公司级的潮鞋做工质感都会更好,与前两个档次的鞋子相比,无论是在用材上还是在做工上都会更为讲究一些,相对会靠近一点正品。不过从这个档次的鞋子加工设计来看,精密度上会相对差一些,打磨抛光度上会差一些,通常都是在淘宝微商中流通,建议在实际选购的时候也都应该要多多考虑到位,挑选到自己喜欢的鞋子。 4、纯原。在众多潮鞋等级中,这个档次的鞋子其实会更为讲究,是采用了原鞋开模定制的方式,基本上是做到了一模一样的程度,无论是在用料还是在做工上都能够按照原版的方式进行,有时候难免在区分上都看不出来。这个档次的潮鞋是属于较为顶级的版本,在实际挑选的时候时候都要多多考虑清楚,根据自己的实际需求来选择。



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