

来源:货拉客微商货源网 热度: 时间:2024-05-10 01:03:30

Finally, at last, lastly or in the end?

Finally, at last, lastly and in the end all have a meaning of ‘after a period of time’. However, we use them in different ways. Finally, at last, lastly and in the end都有“一段时间后”的含义。然而,我们以不同的方式使用它们。


/ˈfaɪnəli/ adv. 最后,终于;彻底地

We use finally to refer to something that happened after a long time and usually after some difficulties. In this meaning, finally most commonly occurs in the normal mid position for adverbs, between the subject and the main verb, after the modal verb or the first auxiliary verb, or after be as a main verb 我们用finally 来指在很长一段时间之后,通常是在一些困难之后发生的事情。在这个意义上,finally 最常出现在副词的正常中间位置,在主语和主动词之间,在情态动词或第一个助动词之后,或主动词be后面:

There were no taxis and we finally got home at 2 pm.

She’s had over twenty interviews but Jasmine has finally got a job as a journalist.

At last

终于; 最终

We use at last when we have been impatient as a result of long delays. Like finally, at last occurs in the normal mid position for adverbs as well as in front and end position当我们由于长时间的延迟而不耐烦时,我们会使用at last。像finally一样,at last出现在副词正常的中间位置以及前端和结束位置:

At last I’ve discovered how to print envelopes on my printer!

She has at last given me the book she promised me.

They’re here at last!! We’ve been waiting half an hour.


/ˈlɑ:stli/ adv. 最后,终于

We use lastly to refer to something that comes at the end of a long list 我们用lastly 来指一长串列表后面的东西:

We need eggs, milk, sugar, bread and, lastly, we mustn’t forget yoghurt for Dad.

I’ve thanked my parents but lastly I must thank all my friends for their help.

In the end


We use in the end to refer to a conclusion after a long process, after a lot of changes or after a lot of discussion 我们用in the end来指经过一个漫长的过程、经过大量的变化或经过大量的讨论之后的结论:

We were going to ski in Austria, then the South of France and in the end we decided to go to Italy.

And then, in the end, after months of discussion they offered to buy our house.

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