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最新最完整的�����下结论"深圳汽车用品网上购物商城 1.亿佰贝汽车用品商城建于2010年,是深圳市亿佰贝汽车用品有限公司创立并实力打造的一个专门的亿佰贝汽车用品商城,并负责运营管理。是汽车内外饰品、改装配件、美容护理、车载电器销售为主的B2C一站式网上购物商城。商城利用现代互联网技术平台,将汽车用品以图片和文字的形式展示,并提供在线购买、网上支付(货到付款)、物流配送、售后服务为一体的综合性安全、便捷的购物平台。 经过几年的运营,亿佰贝汽车用品商城在充分利用自身资源优势的同时,与多家汽车用品厂家、代理商建立了长期合作关系,并且在发展过程中不断发掘,改变经营思路,由初期的单一批发业务发展为现在的综合型一站式网上购物商城。     公司名称:深圳市亿佰贝汽车用品有限公司 外文名称:Shenzhen Yibai Bei auto supplies Ltd. 总部地点:深圳宝安港隆城大厦 官方网站:http://www.xo1688.com 成立时间:2010 经营范围:汽车用品,汽车用品网上商城,方向盘套,汽车摆件,车衣,汽车香水,炭包,饰品,影音导航,汽车座套,丝圈脚垫,蓝牙免提,雨刮器 公司性质:民营 公司口号: 【亿佰贝汽车用品,亿万人民的选择】 年营业额:600~4000万 员工数:30~85,   2发展历程 亿佰贝汽车用品实体店于2009年10月1日在广东•深圳正式上线,最初以汽车饰品批发为主并未开展网上零售业务,随着客户量的增长,顾客对不同商品款式的的要求提高,有部分会员也有了零购的需求,在此情行下运营团队毅然决定将工作中心在宝安区,依托两大汽车用品市场开拓了更广的货源,并在2010年12月亿佰贝商城上线并将主要业务调整为网络零售,直到今天亿佰贝已经拥有五大类数千款商品可供选择,一站式汽车用品购物平台正在逐渐形成。     3.商城产品 2013年年底商城提供:汽车内饰品、汽车外饰品、美容护理用品、改装配件、车载电器五大类四千多款商品。亿佰贝网上商城严格遵守国家法规经营,所售商品都是通过正规厂家、代理商渠道进货,保证商品质量可靠,并且有高清实物照片、材质、技术指标等信息介绍。   4. 支付方式 亿佰贝汽车用品网上商城2013年年底提供多种便捷的支付方式,可以适应绝大多数网购用户的使用习惯。所有在线支付订单可以做到实时更新,不留漏单! 支付宝 由支付宝公司推出的第三方担保交易平台,支持数十家网上银行,无需手续费,安全、快速、便捷。 财付通 由腾讯公司推出的第三方担保交易平台,支持多家网上银行,无需手续费,安全、快速、便捷。 银行转帐 通过线下柜台转帐,如:建行、工行、农行、招行等。 货到付款 收验货后再付款的一种高保障的支付方式,有地区限制。 对公转帐 深圳市亿佰贝汽车用品有限公司   5. 物流配送 亿佰贝汽车用品商城有完善的售后及退换货服务机制,可让每一位顾客都可享受到轻松愉快的网购体验。 购物保障,6.广东省深圳,广州,东莞,佛山,中山,珠海,惠州,江门,汕头,湛江,肇庆,茂名,揭阳,梅州,清远,阳江,韶关,河源,云浮,汕尾,潮州,台山,阳春,顺德内当天发发货,1日到达,7.深圳周边:罗湖,福田,南山,盐田,宝安,龙岗区,坪山新区,光明新区,龙华新区,大鹏新区顺丰快递半天到达,当天发出。当天能收到货。, 8.省外苏州,南京,无锡,杭州,宁波,福州,厦门,南宁,柳州,南昌,赣州上海,武汉,2-3日到达,9.其他城市2.4天到达。 提供正规的机打式发票,全国货到付款,七天退换货 客服热线   全国统一客户服务热线:4008-802-808 电话:0755-66605656 手机:18211558558 QQ:1728988888 客服类型   即时咨询、QQ在线客服、旺旺、MSN、快速回复留言、邮件等多种咨询方式   6. 公司备案信息|可信认证   备案号: 粤ICP备14002912号-1, 【深圳最全汽车用品网上购物商城资讯手机客户端下载】,The latest and most complete concluded "Shenzhen automobile products online shopping mall,1 Yi Bai Bei auto supplies store was built in 2010, is the city of Shenzhen and Bei auto supplies Co. Ltd. was founded and strength to create a specialized and Bei auto supplies store, and is responsible for the operation and management. Is the jewelry and outside the automotive, motorcycle, beauty care, electric vehicle sales oriented B2C one-stop online shopping mall. Mall make use of modern Internet technology platform, will auto supplies with pictures and text display form, and provide online purchase, online payment (cash on delivery), logistics, customer service service comprehensive security, as one of the convenient shopping platform.,After several years of operation, and shellfish auto supplies store to make full use of the resources at the same time, to establish a long-term cooperative relationship with many auto manufacturers, distributors, and continuously explore in the process of development, change management idea, by a single wholesale business development for the present multi one-stop online shopping mall.,Company name: Shenzhen Yibai Bei auto supplies Ltd.,The foreign name: Shenzhen Yibai Bei auto supplies Ltd,The headquarters location: Shenzhen Baoan GANGLONG city building,Official website: http://www.xo1688.com,Founded: 2010,Scope of business: automotive supplies, automotive supplies online mall, steering wheel cover, car decoration, car cover, car perfume, carbon bag, accessories, audio navigation, car seat cover, wire ring pad, Bluetooth hands-free, wiper,Company type: private,Company slogan: [billion Bai Bei auto supplies, hundreds of millions of people's choice],Annual turnover: 600~4000 million,Number of employees: 30~85,2 Shenzhen auto supplies online shopping mall development,Yi Bai Bei auto supplies store officially launched on October 1, 2009 in Guangdong, Shenzhen, initially in the car accessories wholesale did not carry out online retail business, with the growth in the volume of customers, customer requirements of different commodity style, some members also had zero purchase demand, in this line of operation team decided to work the center in Baoan District, relying on the big two auto supplies market open up wider sources, and in 2010 December and Bei store launch and adjustment of main business for the retail network, until today and bay has five major categories of thousands of items for selection, one-stop automotive supplies shopping platform is formed gradually.,3 Shenzhen auto supplies online shopping mall mall products,By the end of 2013 mall provides: car accessories, car accessories, care products, cosmetic refit five kinds big four thousand variety of commodity parts, electric vehicle. Bei online mall and strictly abide by state laws and regulations, the sale of goods both through the formal manufacturers, distributors purchase, guarantee product quality and reliable, and has high definition photos, material, technical indicators of information.,4 payment,Yi Bai Bei auto supplies online mall at the end of 2013 to provide payment more convenient, can adapt to most online shopping user habit. All online payment orders can be updated in real time, without missing a single!,Alipay,Third party guarantee trading platform launched by the Alipay, support dozens of online banking, without fee, safe, fast, convenient.,TenPay,Third party guarantee trading platform launched by Tencent Inc, supports many online banking, without fee, safe, fast, convenient.,Bank transfer,Through the line counter transfer, such as: China Construction Bank, ICBC, Agricultural Bank of China, China Merchants Bank etc..,Cash on delivery,A high security payment receiving inspection after the payment, there are restrictions on areas.,The public transfer,Shenzhen Yibai Bei auto supplies Ltd.,The 5 logistics distribution,Yi Bai Bei auto supplies store has a perfect customer service and return service mechanism, can let every customer can enjoy a pleasant online shopping experience.,Shopping security,Guangdong Province, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Dongguan, Zhongshan, Zhuhai, Foshan, Huizhou, Jiangmen, Shantou, Zhanjiang, Zhaoqing, Maoming, Jieyang, Meizhou, Qingyuan, Yangjiang, Shaoguan, Heyuan, Yunfu, Shanwei, Chaozhou, Taishan, Yangchun, Shunde issued the same day delivery, 1 days to arrive,Shenzhen: Luohu, Futian, Nanshan surrounding, Yantian, Baoan District, Longgang, Ping Shan District, Guangming New District, Longhua New District, Dapeng new SF express day arrived, the day of issue. To receive the goods on the same day.,8 Shenzhen auto supplies online shopping mall outside the province of Suzhou, Nanjing, Wuxi, Hangzhou, Ningbo, Fuzhou, Xiamen, Nanning, Liuzhou, Nanchang, Ganzhou Shanghai, Wuhan, 2-3 days to arrive,Other city 9 Shenzhen auto supplies online shopping mall 2.4 days to arrive.,To provide regular machine playing invoice, national cash on delivery, seven days return,Customer service hotline,A unified national customer service hotline: 4008-802-808,Tel: 0755-66605656,Mobile phone: 18211558558,QQ:1728988888,Service type,Instant messaging, QQ online customer service, Wangwang, MSN, quick reply message, email and other services,10 Shenzhen auto supplies online shopping mall company record information | trusted authentication,The record number: Guangdong ICP 14002912 -1,[Shenzhen's full auto supplies online shopping mall information mobile phone client download],   关键字:深圳汽车用品,所在地区:广东省 > 深圳市        ,,



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