

来源:货拉客代理货源网 热度: 时间:2024-04-28 07:30:42

再次翻开《假如给我三天光明》的书卷,其中依然没有什么惊心动魄的事件,但却有一次深深地打动了我.的确,海伦·凯勒那不平静的人生及他与命运抗争的历程鼓舞了我,给了我奋斗的力量.作为正常人的我们很难想象一个双目失明,失聪,失语的人,可以用心去感知天地万物,海伦就是用心灵倾听着世界上最美的声音,看见了世界上最美的风景.  我想起1年前我初看《假如给我三天光明》时,发生的一件小事.  …………  妹妹,我给你讲海伦·凯勒的故事吧.  海伦·凯勒?言情小说家?明星?黑客高手?  不是,她是个又聋又哑又瞎的伟人.  那有什么好讲的啊,你还是讲讲周杰伦最近的消息吧.  …………  看过《假如给我三天光明》的人应该都知道她的不幸.在一般人眼里,如此不幸的人生,还会有什么收获呢?然而海伦却创造了一个又一个奇迹:不但考上了哈佛大学,而且一生中写了14部著作.她还多方奔走,在全美建起了多家慈善机构,办成了一般健全人也不一定办得到的事.珍惜现实,才能拥有未来.这就是珍惜的价值所在,也是生活的辩证法.与海伦相比,我们许多人可能都会感到惭愧.因为我们虽然拥有比她健全的身体,却常常如她所说的那样,犯那种有视觉却看得少的错误.或为已失去的东西痛苦不堪,或为得不到的东西百般烦恼,却偏偏对实实在在拥有的东西不知珍惜,不懂得好好把握.  从没有遭遇过灾难,从没有体验过不幸,甚至从未领悟过挫折的弟弟妹妹们当然不会思考人生,他们只有享受快乐.他们是那么的美丽,年轻,聪明,令人艳羡.沉浸在快乐中,在一览无余的光明中,我们失去了对光明的感受能力,失去了对快乐的体验能力,失去了对幸福的感悟能力,也失去了对人生的思考能力和对人生未来的忧患意识.仿佛人生一路轻歌曼舞,精彩世界任我逍遥.  要快乐,就快乐得如醉如痴,在快乐中升华;要感受生命之最烈,要体验人生之极限.要感受这光明呀,就算人生百年,也只有36500天!好好算着吧,假如还有30年光明,假如还有3年光明——假如还有三天光明!你感受到光明了吗?  好好的把握现在吧,珍惜美丽的生活.  再回首,恍然如梦,再回首,荆棘密布.曾经在幽幽暗暗反反复复中追问,才知道平平淡淡才是真.再回首,一切都在昏暗中消失.人的生命是有限的,不知道哪一天会突然离开这个世界,所以最好把能解决的问题解决好,不要带有太多的遗憾离开这个世界.像海伦·凯勒一样,不留意思的遗憾.不然,你会后悔的.  Looking again, If I light three days, the books, which are still little soul-stirring event, but it is a deeply impressed me. Indeed, Helen Keller was not quiet and his life and destiny of the course of struggle inspired me, gave me strength to fight. As a normal person it is difficult to imagine a blind, the deaf, aphasia who can sense your heart in all things, Helen is to use mind to listen to the world's most beautiful sound, saw the world's most beautiful scenery.  I am reminded of a year ago when I first read, If I light three days, the occurrence of a trivial matter.  ... ... ... ...  Sister, I tell you the story of Helen Keller Bar.  Helen Keller? Romantic novels home? Star? Hacker master?  No, she is deaf and dumb and blind great man.  That has nothing to say, ah, you still talk about the latest news Jay Bar.  ... ... ... ...  Read If I light a three-day people should all know her, unfortunately. In general people's eyes, so unfortunate in life, there will be any pick up? Helen, however, has created one miracle after another: not only admitted to a Harvard University, and a lifetime to write 14 books. She also multi-running, in the U.S. built a number of charities, pulled off an able-bodied people do not necessarily do things. cherished reality, in order to have a future. This is the cherish the value, but also the dialectic of life. Compared with Helen, many of us may feel ashamed. because we are, though they have a sound than her body, but often, as she put it, guilty of the kind of visual they see little mistake. or has lost something painful, or no in every possible way what the trouble is that it is for real ownership of things they cherish, do not know how to take advantage of.  Never encountered a disaster, there has never experienced, unfortunately, never even comprehend setbacks of the brothers and sisters who certainly do not think about life, they are only fun. They are so beautiful, young, smart, very envious of. Immersed in the happiness , in the sweeping views of the light, we have lost a bright feeling ability, loss of the ability to experience pleasure, loss of the ability of well-being of sentiment, and have lost the ability to think about life and the sense of the future of life. if the way of life Qinggemanwu, wonderful world, served me Happy.  Want to be happy, you happy too mesmerized, in the joy of sublimation; to the most intense experience of life, to experience the life of the limit. To feel that a bright Yeah, even a hundred years of life, and only 36.5 thousand days! A good balance with it, if the There are 30 years of a bright future, if there is a bright three years - if there is a three-day bright! you feel the light it?  Be properly grasp the opportunity offered it, cherish the beautiful life.  Looking back, we suddenly dream, and then look back, be easy. Had faint whispering repeatedly in the questioning, before we know it is really flat faint. Looking back, everything is disappearing in the dark. Human life is limited, do not know one day would suddenly leave this world, it is best to solve the problem can be resolved, not with too much regret to leave this world. Like Helen Keller, like, without leaving the meaning of regret. Otherwise, you will regret it.  自己翻译的,行不?

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