
请以“苏州——我美丽的家乡”为题,根据下面的中文提示,写一篇80词左右的短文。可以适当发挥 要点:(提到苏州)

来源:货拉客代理货源网 热度: 时间:2024-05-05 21:00:57

风景如画的苏州便是我的家乡。我的心时时融汇在这片养育我的土地上。我喜爱那悠久的历史。高耸入云的山峰是迷人的,清澈的河水是甘洌的。我喜爱那现代化的气息。亭台楼阁与高楼大厦的融合,小桥流水与车水马龙的融合。正在建造的囊同火车站犹如巨蟒一般盘踞在其中。还有已经建成的苏通大桥横跨两岸这一切变化使我震惊。现代美与古典美成就了我美丽的家乡。我爱我美丽的家乡。suzhou is my hometown as if in the picture. my heart is in the care of my land. i love the long history. the Wolf Mountain is charming, the clear Haohe River is sweet. i love the smell of modernization. the small bridges and flowing waters crowded with coaches of the sac. being built with the railway station is like a serpent in general, there have been built across the bridge and pass all this change. shocked by the modern and classical beauty which has achieved my beautiful hometown. i love my beautiful hometown.(希望你成为我的好友 。

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