

来源:微商加盟 热度: 时间:2024-03-17 12:30:28

软膜天花又称柔性天花,拉膜天花与拉蓬天花等,产于法国,是一种高 档的绿色环保型装饰材料。 品种多样的材质及颜色,为您提供优雅的设计灵感,成为 非凡室内装饰效果的夺目亮点。 每平方米重约180-320克。因为它的柔韧性良好,可以自由的进行多种造型的设计, 用于曲廊、敞开式观景空间等各种场合,无不相宜。软膜天花已日趋成为吊顶材料的**材料。软膜采用特殊的聚氯已烯材料制成,0.18毫米厚,其防火级别为B1级。软膜通过一次或多次切割成形,并用高频焊接完成。软膜需要在实地测量出天花尺寸后,在工厂里制作完成。软膜尺寸的稳定性在摄氏-15度到45度。


软膜吊顶又称为软膜天花(柔性天花,拉展天花,拉膜天花与拉蓬天花等),在十九世纪始创于瑞士,然后经法国人 Farmland SCHERRER ( 费兰德.斯科尔 )先生1967年继续研究完善并成功推广到欧洲及美洲国家的天花市场,软膜天花已日趋成为吊顶材料的**材料。软膜采用特殊的聚氯已烯材料制成,0.18毫米厚,其防火级别为B1级。软膜通过一次或多次切割成形,并用高频焊接完成。软膜需要在实地测量天花尺寸后,在工厂里制作完成。软膜尺寸的稳定性在摄氏-15度到45度。



软膜天花又称为柔性天花,拉展天花,拉膜天花与拉蓬天花等,在十九世纪始创于瑞士,然后经法国人 Farmland SCHERRER ( 费兰德.斯科尔 )先生1967年继续研究完善并成功推广到欧洲及美洲国家的天花市场,软膜天花(麦瑞库软膜天花)已日趋成为吊顶材料的**材料。软膜采用特殊的聚氯已烯材料制成,0.18毫米厚,其防火级别为B1级。软膜通过一次或多次切割成形,并用高频焊接完成。软膜需要在实地测量天花尺寸后,在工厂里制作完成。软膜尺寸的稳定性在摄氏-15度到45度。

麦瑞库软膜天花的防火标准 B1 级,并且符合多国的防火标准。传统天花受到高温或燃烧后都会将火和热蔓延至其它部位,或释放出大量有害气体。然而麦瑞库软膜天花遇到火后,只会自身熔穿,并且于数秒钟之内自行收缩,直至离开火源,不会释放出有毒气体或溶液伤及人体和财物。




Also known as flexible soft film ***allpox ***allpox, ***allpox pull exhibition, film and Lapon ***allpox ***allpox, was founded in Switzerland in the nineteenth century, then by the French Farmland SCHERRER (Fei Lande. Skol) continued in 1967, Mr. research to improve and promote the success of ***allpox in Europe and America market, the soft film ceiling ceiling materials have increasingly become the material of choice. The soft PVC film with special materials have been en, 0.18 mm thick, the fire level for the B1 level. Soft film formed by one or more cut and welded with high frequency. Soft film ***allpox size measurements required in this field, in the factory produced. Soft membrane dimensional stability in -15 degrees Celsius to 45 degrees.

Soft film ceiling B1 level of fire safety standards and comply with fire safety standards of many countries. Traditional ceiling or burned by the heat and hot the fire will spread to other parts, or the release of large amounts of harmful gases. However, Merry encountered on soft film ***allpox after the fire, wearing only their melting and contraction on its own within a few seconds, until the fire out, will not release toxic gases or solution harm the human body and property.

Soft film ceiling material is plasticized polymer raw material production, inheritance, and break the tran***ission

The excellent characteristics of the ceiling material system, main features: First, the superior edge of the installation work Corner

Art can create a variety of 3D modeling, is to make the boring 2D 3D decoration evolved into avant-garde decoration. Second, with environmental protection, fire protection (France M1, Germany, B1), waterproof, moisture, mildew, anti-static, uprising crack and tasteless, anti-bacterial, anti-pressure, lasting for years, and features such as light and lively. Third, the color variety, the effect is exquisite, the membrane can be printed in a variety of be***tiful patterns. Fourth, is widely used for conference rooms, shopping malls, factories, public facilities, schools, sports facilities, hospitals, business clubs and various entertainment venues. Fifth, on-site installation fast and quick. Six anti-aging period of up to ten years.

The development of soft film ***allpox has been three decades of glorious history, it is to replace the traditional ceiling ceiling and walls of new materials, this revolutionary design with flexible material can c***se a variety of artistic ideas ahead of plane and solid shapes design effect, and over a hundred colors of choice. Many advantages to the French film quickly became soft Baal Europe bold new favorite designers in France and Europe set off a "soft film style whirlwind," won several design awards, recommended by the French Association for the 21st century, building a new type of functional materials.

Wide range of soft film: light film (light box film), reflective membrane (light membrane), matte film, satin Film, whale chorionic, punching film, painting film (marble film), matte film, fiber membrane, Fantasy film (UV source), mirror mask, inkjet film.



软膜天花的化学成分是聚氯乙烯Polyvinyl chloride,也就是俗称的柔性PVC。它有许多种叫法,有些称为拉膜天花,有些叫柔性天花或拉展天花、透光软膜天花、软膜天花板等,材料根据防火等级划分有AB两个级别。我们要介绍的是常用的B级软膜天花(以下称软膜天花)。



软膜天花这种柔软的且透光性能良好的pvc材料问世已经有50余年,最开始在瑞士发明,后来经过法国人 费兰德.斯科尔不断的技术和工艺改良,逐渐被市场所接受并风靡欧美装饰市场。我国是1995年就开始引进使用,历经不断改进和完善,受到了越来越多业主的喜爱。








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