

来源:微商一手货源 热度: 时间:2024-04-05 09:00:33

Common 用于是通常的、常发生的、广泛使用或众所周知的: a common problem; 共同的问题; a common thief; 普通的小偷; the common dandelion. The term also suggests lack of distinction and can imply coarseness or crudeness: 普通的蒲公英。 此词条也暗示缺乏区别并能意指粗劣或未加工: drank wine of the commonest sort; 最为普遍的饮用葡萄酒; had a very common look about him. 他有着很普通的外表。 Ordinary describes what is of the usual kind and is not distinguished in any way from others. In the latter sense it is sometimes derogatory: Ordinary 指种类普通且不能从其他中加以区别的。在后一意义上,它有时是贬义的: A ballpoint pen is adequate for most ordinary purposes. 原珠笔适合最普通的用途。 The violinist gave a very ordinary performance marked by an occasional memory lapse. 小提琴手因偶然记忆失误表现很平常。 Normal stresses adherence to an established standard, model, or pattern: Normal 强调符合已建立的标准、模型或方式: normal body temperature; 正常体温; normal curiosity. 正常的好奇心。

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