

来源:微商加盟 热度: 时间:2024-05-25 06:30:07








Guangzhou Baiyun Mountain

Baiyun Mountain (known locally as White Clouds Mountain) is located in north of Guangzhou city. It is named “the most be***tiful place in the “Sheep City” (the nick name of Guangzhou City is “Sheep City”)”, and it is also one of the first 4A Grade interest places in China. This mountain is clustered round by over 30 ridges, with an area of 28 square kilometers. The highest peak is Moxing Ridge, 382 meters above the sea. When the sun shines again after the rain, white clouds are twisting the peaks, the green mountain and refreshing water are enshrined in the boundless sea of clouds, hence came the name of Baiyun (white cloud) Mountain.

Guangzhou is a long-history city, and it was founded since the Qin Han Dynasties 2220 years ago, but Baiyun Mountain was well-known for its nice scenery even earlier than the foundation of Guangzhou City. For its adjustment to the city entironment and its rich natural literary resources, Baiyun Mountain is called “green lung” of Guangzhou.

Baiyun Mountain has 7 sight-seeing regions. From south to north are: Crane Fluttering Crag, Lu Lake, Santai Crag, Mingchun Valley, Moxing Ridge, Bright Pearl Pavilion, and the new Heyi Ridge.

Lu Lake is the biggest artificial lake and public multi-function park in Guangzhou. Here you m*** enjoy culture education, leisure entertainment, sports exercises, delicious foods etc. Beside Lu Lake, there are the modern Guangzhou Arts Museum, children amusement park, Xinhai Park, and one golf club.

Yuntai Garden in Santai Crag region, combines both Chinese and foreign garden architectures styles. At the front gate, we m*** see lighting fountains. Then some semitropical and tropical plants like cactus, palm, and orchid. After seeing the rock park, rose park and friendship park, let’s take cable car to other regions. This cable railroad is a new one since September 2004. It’s totally 1800m long, 5m/second, and m*** transport 1400 tourists per hour.

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