

来源:货拉客微商网 热度: 时间:2024-05-12 08:02:07



1.联邦快递:联邦快递( FedEx)是一家国际性速递集团,提供隔夜快递、地面快递、重型货物运送、文件复印及物流服务,总部设于美国田纳西州孟菲斯。同时联邦快递也是全球最具规模的速递运输公司之一,国际航空物流之王。


3.DHL国际快递企业:dhl国际快递是全球知名的邮递和物流集团 Deutsche Post DHL旗下公司。同时DHL也是全球快递、洲际运输和航空管理的领导者,也是全球第一的海运和合同物流供应商。DHL的业务遍布全球220个国家和地区,是全球国际化程度最高的公司。





Do you know postal express companies?

“Express delivery” has become an indispensable part of people’s daily life in this era, especially in China. China’s express delivery industry has covered every corner of our daily life. It can be said that “express delivery” has become synonymous with the new era, but have you ever known postal express companies in the country and even the world? Today, the editor will give you some popular science.

1. FedEx: FedEx is an international express group that provides overnight express, ground express, heavy cargo delivery, document copying and logistics services, headquartered in Memphis, Tennessee, USA. At the same time, FedEx is also one of the world’s largest express delivery companies and the king of international air logistics.

2. UPS International Express: Founded in Seattle, Washington, USA in 1907, it is the world’s largest express carrier and package delivery company, as well as a leading provider of professional transportation, logistics, capital and e-commerce services.

3. DHL International Express Company: dhl International Express is a subsidiary of Deutsche Post DHL, a world-renowned postal and logistics group. At the same time, DHL is also a leader in global express, intercontinental transportation and aviation management, and the world’s number one shipping and contract logistics provider. DHL’s business covers 220 countries and regions around the world, making it the most internationalized company in the world.

4. Amazon: The largest e-commerce company in the United States and one of the first companies in the world to start e-commerce. It has become the world’s largest online retailer of goods and the world’s second largest Internet company. At the same time, it has a logistics and storage center of approximately 1.1 million square meters in the United States.

5. China Post: Established an express delivery company in 1980. It is the earliest supplier of express services in China and the largest operator of the express delivery industry in China.

Although we are most familiar with SF Express or Three Links and One Express in our daily life, in fact, it is China Post that dominates China’s express delivery industry. In the impression of many people, China Post is slow, with many procedures and high costs. But China Post is also the only express delivery that can be delivered to all parts of the country, including rural areas. At the same time, China Post, as an international express, also has a large overseas market. In the latest 2019 “Fortune” list, China Post’s global revenue is second only to Japan Post. So don’t underestimate China Post, and hope that China Post can go further in the future.



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