

来源:货拉客代理货源网 热度: 时间:2024-06-04 06:01:24

  Better City,Better Life Have you ever thought over your life in the city?Is that comfortable or not?If possible,you could listen to me! As we known the 2010 world Expo will be held in shanghaiadvertise of the 2010 world expo"Better city,Better life"is known by a lot of people in shanghai。  I hope to see you in the 2010 world Expo in shanghai The cities now are becoming more and more modernize,and the things in our lives are more and more advanced/先进的/now。  But is that the real meaning of better life? I don't think so。The better cities should include better environment,but not only modernize and advanced things。   As we can know and see,the cities now are making more and more kinds of pollution and make the nature bear all of them。 Now the nature is fighting back,such as the global warming,the acid/酸性的/ rain,well,I don't want to list them any more。   So if we want to have better lives,we have to protect the environment。That can surely make our cities better and more livable。   Better environment causes better cities;better cities cause better life。Don't you think so? Well,that's all of my views。  Perhaps all of you listened happily!Thanks 以上我的答案,请参考。

  Take care of our home

Paragraph1:(第一段)At present, there are serious problems in guangzhou environmental protection。 Example: the litter, spitting phenomenon is very common。   People's living standards improved, some people often sit cars and not by traffic tools, make the traffic problem in guangzhou is very serious。  

Paragraph2:(第二段)We would appeal to national green our homes, afforestation, try to sit transportation, reduce the air pollution and fewer rubbish, draw some colour beautiful posters, so that this city is very clean。  

Paragraph3:(第三段)As a part of guangzhou, we should call or government, adopt more advice, and act quickly, make home protected。  

Paragraph4:(第四段)Guangzhou is our homeland, we must not only protect it。 And make it become more beautiful。


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