
六年级下册怎样做一个宇宙飞船模型 英语作文50?(六年级下册怎样制作成长纪念册)

来源:电商货源网 热度: 时间:2024-04-05 20:00:54


1, it is recommended that you buy plastic kit, not expensive。 God what I remember the trumpeter had model。 2, if the non paper, suggest the use of wire frame, and then paste paper。  。。 Is like a rabbit like lamps。 3, if all the paper, it is best to obtain more detailed data, and then use the cardboard insert, as a skeleton, and then laying panel。   4, or cardboard directly into small parts one by one, and finally glue together。 (for cuboid comparison rules) 5, if the shape of the surface, you can find a little more than the desired profile is slightly smaller than the empty plastic bottles (or with a few, such as tied together), and then the tissue paper wet onto a pile, plastic into the required shape, and then wipe the surface of a layer of glue, dry it, or can effect the far view。  

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