
beautiful flowers英语作文50词

来源:货拉客代理货源网 热度: 时间:2024-03-31 01:01:21

您好:There was a time when I had some difficulties in my life. I felt depressed and frowned all day long. Nobody could cheer me up.One day I went to the park for a rest. There was an empty bench and I sat down. To my surprise, a young boy came around. He looked tired from playing. He stood in front of me and said with great excitement. "Look what I have found!" I looked down and saw a small flower lying in his hands. It was a withering flower. Its petals were dry. I thought to myself. "What a pitiful dead flower - just like my depressing life!" I wanted him to go away, so I faked a smile and then turned my back.However, instead of walking away, he came to sit down next to me. "It surely smells good and it's beautiful, too!" That's why I picked it up", he said."Here, it's for you." I knew I had to take it, or he might never leave. So I reached for the flower and said, "Thank you." I waited, but the boy didn't put the flower in my hand. He just held the flower and didn't move. It was not until then I noticed the boy couldn't see anything. He was blind.My voice quivered and tears ran down my cheeks. I took the flower and said, "Thank you! You have picked up the best one.""You are welcome!" the boy replied happily, and then ran away.I was deeply moved. The boy couldn't see, but in his imagination, the world was beautiful. When I saw withering petals, he "saw" a beautiful flower. Perhaps he was the one who had true sight in his heart, while I had been blind for all those times, I failed to appreciate the bright side of life.I held the flower to my nose and took a deep breath. I smelled the fragrance of it. It was indeed the most beautiful flower.希望对您的学习有帮助【满意请采纳】O(∩_∩)O谢谢欢迎追问O(∩_∩)O~祝学习进步~

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