

来源:货拉客代理货源网 热度: 时间:2024-01-22 21:30:11


她细小的眼睛和可爱的点点雀斑, 在外国人看来都是美的。


中文名称:美国新闻与世界报道英文名称:U.S. News & World Report[内容提要] "U.S. News & World Report" is US one of three flash news weekly, has a more tremendous influence in theAmerican society. US News & World the Report Chinese name "美国新闻与世界报道", is US one of three flash news weekly(the first two flash news weekly is "Time" the weekly and Newsweek),in 1947 by "the American News" and "World Reported" merges becomes, atpresent 发行量 each issue of 1.8 million (1), have surpassed US'Stwo big newspapers in the release quantity "the New York Times" and"the Washington Post", former daily 发行量 is 1.19 million, latterdaily 发行量 is 850,000. "The American News And World Reported" themain report scope involves the American home and in world scopepolitics, the economy, the military and the culture, is a politicaleconomical comprehensive weekly. "American News And World Report" thereader surface quite is broad, this magazine is engaged in theinternational political economy and in particular the technicalculture work knowledge level public figure in the American societyhigher level has a more tremendous influence, is affecting theAmerican domestic part of person to the world politics economicalsituation and other country image view and the position. Said frompopularization surface and in the popular degree that, this magazineinfluence is inferior to "Time" the weekly and Newsweek, but said fromthe analysis question depth and influence dynamics, this magazinecertainly does not compare in American domestic populace prestige"Time" the weekly and Newsweek the difference.

1、美国新闻周刊http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3032542/site/newsweek/新闻周刊虽以新闻为主,但网罗生活百科,以下是简介: 1933年正式在美国出版发行,1961年被《华盛顿邮报》收购,其新闻范围涵盖美国国内外大事、商业、科技、社会、艺术和娱乐等方面。拥有3种英文版本和6种非英文版本,经过多年经营,《新闻周刊》的发行量已经达到440万份, 是美国最有影响的新闻类杂志,经常发布对国内外重大事件的权威性民意调查结果。相信没有人会忽视这本新闻杂志这两年在新闻报道上作出的富有开拓性的贡献,**、周密、侧击、旁敲、独到、新知等各种报道模式层出不穷,市场上更积极地开拓着远东市场,学术上在美国期刊奖中屡有斩获,影响力正飞跃提升。2、纽约岗位:http://www.nypost.com/gossip/gossip.htm3、http://www.slate.com/?reload=true4、纯生活杂志http://www.metropolismag.com/cda/5、娱乐时尚http://www.rollingstone.com/6、如果你对桌面感兴趣:http://www.wallpaper.com/7、新闻引擎:http://www.wired.com/8、比较有个性的:http://www.i-dmagazine.com/primary_index.htm9、家居生活:http://www.life.com/Life/10、著名的时代杂志:http://www.time.com/time/如果你的英文不错,浏览这些网站的主页,应该能找到它的简介或发展史。另外建议你多用百度搜索一下,很多东西都是不用提问的,自己身体力行会找到你想要的信息的

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