

来源:货拉客微商网 热度: 时间:2024-01-28 20:30:12

  一、严禁在禁烟区域内吸烟、在岗饮酒,违者予以开除并解除劳动合同。 Smoking is prohibited in the area of smoking, drinking in the post, the offender shall be dismissed and labor contracts。    二、严禁高处作业不系安全带,违者予以开除并解除劳动合同。 Not wearing a seatbelt at height is strictly prohibited, and offenders shall be dismissed and labor contracts。     三、严禁水上作业不按规定穿戴救生衣,违者予以开除并解除劳动合同。 Non-water operations are not required to wear a life jacket, and offenders shall be dismissed and labor contracts。   四、严禁无操作证从事电气、起重、电气焊作业,违者予以开除并解除劳动合同。 Is strictly prohibited without operating permits in electrical, lifting, electric welding operations, and offenders shall be dismissed and labor contracts。    五、严禁工作中无证或酒后驾驶机动车,违者予以开除并解除劳动合同。 Non-work drink driving without a license or motor vehicle, and offenders shall be dismissed and labor contracts。    六、严禁未经审批擅自决定钻开高含硫化氢油气层或进行试气作业,违者对直接负责人予以开除并解除劳动合同。 Without permission is prohibited without the approval of the decision drilled high hydrogen sulfide gas reservoirs or trial operation, and offenders shall be expelled directly responsible and labor contracts。    七、严禁违反操作规程进行用火、进入受限空间、临时用电作业,违者给予行政处分并离岗培训;造成后果的,予以开除并解除劳动合同。 Conduct in violation of the rules prohibited the use of fire, confined space entry, temporary power operation, and offenders given administrative sanctions and undergo training; consequences, be dismissed and labor contracts。    八、严禁负责放射源、火工器材、井控坐岗的监护人员擅离岗位,违者给予行政处分并离岗培训;造成后果的,予以开除并解除劳动合同。 Responsible prohibited sources, explosives equipment, well control post of the custodial staff to sit absent without leave, and offenders given administrative sanctions and undergo training; consequences, be dismissed and labor contracts。     九、严禁危险化学品装卸人员擅离岗位,违者给予行政处分并离岗培训;造成后果的,予以开除并解除劳动合同。 Handling of hazardous chemicals is prohibited personnel absent without leave, and offenders given administrative sanctions and undergo training; consequences, be dismissed and labor contracts。    十、严禁钻井、测录井、井下作业违反井控安全操作规程,违者给予行政处分并离岗培训;造成后果的,予以开除并解除劳动合同。   Non-drilling, logging, downhole well control operations in violation of safety rules, offenders given administrative sanctions and undergo training; consequences, be dismissed and labor contracts。

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