

来源:货拉客 热度: 时间:2024-05-04 01:01:03

it is difficult for me to learn english at first. but now i find it easy. because i work very hard. i do my homework every day on time. in classes i always answer questions. so my english is becoming better and better


Some time I think I am a good student,but some time I did not think so.One day I went to see my friend by bus.When I got to the bus stop,many people were standing in line.I did not want this queue. I went to the front and stood there.One of the people said to me,"You must not jump the queue,girl."With a red face I said sorry and went to the end of the line. I made up my mind to be a good student in the future.I believe myself. 有时我认为我是一个好学生,但有时我不这么认为。一天 我乘公交车去看朋友。当我到汽车站时,许多人都在排队上车,我不想排队。于是我走到最前面站在那。一个人对我说:“小女孩,你不能插队。”我的脸红了,于是我走到了队伍的最后站下来。我下决心做一个好学生,我相信自己。

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