
My Summer holiday50字的英语作文

来源:货拉客 热度: 时间:2024-03-28 11:01:07

My summer holiday started from July. In July,I always stay at home, reading books and watching TV. I borrowed some books from the library of the city.They are about English and Maths. Because I am not good at English and Maths, I need to study hard on them. In the next month, I traveled with my parents to a few of beautiful cities. They are Yangzhou, Lianyungang, Chengdu and so on. I like these cities.They are beautiful cities. I had a wonderful summer holiday. After the holiday,I will study hard and try my best to become a member useful for the society. 我的暑假是从7月开始的,七月份的时候,我在家看书,看电视。我从城里的图书馆借了点书。这些书是关于英语和数学。因为我英语和数学不太好,所以我需要用功学习英语和数学。接下来的一个月,我和父母去一些美丽的城市游玩。这些城市是扬州,连云港,成都等。我喜欢这些城市。我暑假过的很快乐。暑假过后,我要好好学习,努力成为对社会有用的人。 怎会?我不是让你抄,是仅供参考!

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